关于 AfroCaribbean




  • Where Will We Conduct our Operations?

    a group of people posing for a picture with a woman holding a child

    Our operations will be conducted primarily between the countries on the African continent, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.

  • How will we conduct our operations?

    a large white building with a courtyard in front of it

    Through cooperative efforts with Governments, Chambers of Commerce and other relevant organizations throughout the identified regions; we will host events that will focus on business development and cultural learning.  By highlighting our commonalities and shared dreams for the future, we seek to develop mutually beneficial systems that will help us to grow powerful business & cultural ecosystems that serve everyone well into the future. 

  • Who will benefit from our efforts?

    a man is giving a presentation to a group of people in a conference room .

    We believe that individuals, groups and businesses, in the identified regions; who engage our services and resonate with our message of knowledge sharing and the combining of resources/effort; will see sustained benefit in their lives and business operations over the life of our mutual connection. 


AfroCaribbean 商业与贸易博览会旨在帮助各种规模的企业利用机会扩大企业规模,而无需承担独自扩张所带来的高昂成本。不要错过今天注册成为博览会参展商、参与者或加入我们的国际商业集市“共同团结资源中心”的机会……“CURES”;并在您向国际扩展您的服务或产品时节省大量成本!


如需更多信息,请联系 info@afro-carib.org。

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