Key Offering COMING SOON - The Exceptional Customer Service Culture & Rewards Program

Whitney Bain • Feb 21, 2024

The Exceptional Customer Service Culture & Rewards Program (ECSC&RP)

The Exceptional Customer Service Culture & Rewards Program (ECSC&RP) provides a means for businesses and individuals to enhance their customer service delivery skills through in-depth learning modules. The program consists of four sections spanning 90-days, at a program cost of $95 USD per participant, including registration. Once participants successfully complete each module in every section they will have the opportunity to be a part of the rewards program where customers can nominate and vote for them to receive rewards and incentives for the exceptional customer service they are giving in their areas. The learning aspect of the program will be available starting September 2024 in The Bahamas, the Caribbean and Sierra Leone, West Africa; while the rewards aspect of the program will commence December 2024. 

NOTE: We will feature ECSC&RP winners via videos, pictures and commentary within the EcoSystem.

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The Road to AfroCarib Business Expos 2024
By Whitney B 26 Nov, 2023
Many people will never have a face-to-face conversation with us about our business and social initiatives. This blog (written & video) will be one of the best ways to communicate our philosophy to those who are interested. While this site represents our capital pursuit of providing a group of beneficial individual and business services for profit; ultimately it serves as a means to an end, and that is creating a vehicle to bring solutions to social inequities and misfortunes that face hordes of people in dozens of developing nations in Africa and the Caribbean. We believe that the solutions to many of the areas of concern can be found in the problems themselves and with the people who endure them. We don’t claim to have all of the solutions, but are willing to take the approach of identifying the issues, involving those affected, developing possible solutions and seeing how things develop once the solutions are applied to those issues. While this is an elementary approach, we have seen where simplicity brings about the most clarity, with a pace that enables greater efficiency in business and individual growth. AfroCaribbean Business & Trade Expos is a vehicle that has been developed to address debilitating issues that we have discovered in Africa and across the Caribbean. This vehicle will provide exposure for the solopreneurs, entrepreneurs, small & medium-sized businesses that have a very limited market in which to present their goods and services; access to richer markets and greater populations of potential buyers. This platform is built from a mutually-beneficial perspective, where our focus on the under-served enables us to expand and enrich all those who are connected in the process. We are excited about our prospects for the future and believe that we will achieve great results in every territory that we do business in. After seeing the vast potential in the West Africa region during our trips there, we realized that a structured approach was needed in order to address the needs and see tangible results. Our overarching approach to the potential was … Common Unity, Common Knowledge, and Common Wealth! If a group of people can unify themselves around a handful of strategic goals, bring all of their resources, experience, connections, effort and focus to achieving the identified goals; then once achieved everyone involved benefits – this is Common Unity, Common Knowledge and Common Wealth! It is on this philosophical approach that we have developed our business & social model. We believe that by keeping a community perspective, injecting sound business models and practices, fueled by the passion of like-minded people; we will achieve results that any number of us could not achieve on our own. It is from this view that we believe we can make a difference in the lives of individuals and businesses in Africa and the Caribbean. Citing an historic perspective, Roman road-building techniques and the vast expanse of these systems can teach us much about creating value on many levels. Romana, meaning “Roman Way”, was the term given to the physical infrastructure that was vital to the maintenance and development of the Roman state. These roadways came in many forms and connected all aspects of the Roman Empire. The roadways enabled ease and speed of travel for people, efficient movement of goods and animals, strategic deployment of the armed forces and a more enjoyable way of life. Comparing this to how we live today can help us to understand how the creation of a proper system of connection can enable us to achieve greater efficiencies and swifter advancement in all that we seek to accomplish. Similar to the Roman road-building approach, AfroCaribbean Business & Trade Expos seeks to build physical and commercial connections, systems of communications, systems for individual & business enhancement, knowledge transfer and succession planning cohorts, and consolidated acquisition strategies for future growth. These elements will enable us, and those who connect and participate in our vision; to develop enviable systems of business efficiency, deep individual growth and development, along with healthy economic engagement between our countries. Overall, our version of “Romana” will create a physical system of synaptic connections which communicate beneficial information where much can be shared for the benefit of all. We invite you to be a part of this international effort which seeks to make a difference from local neighbourhoods to towns, villages and cities in The Bahamas, the Caribbean and throughout Africa! Register on this website or one of our Social Media channels to be informed about one of our expo opportunities in the coming months; and join us, either in-person or virtually to engage in learning of business opportunities that can enhance your current pursuit. Join us on The Journey to Common Unity!
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